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    30. Yuechun Jiao, Changcheng Li, Jiabei Fan, Jingxu Bai, Xiao-Feng Shi*, Suotang Jia, Jianming Zhao*, C. Stuart Adams*.

    Suppression of motional dephasing using optical tagging.

    ArXiv 2409.04769 (2024).

    29. Xiao-Feng Shi and Yan Lu.

    Fast nuclear-spin entangling gates compatible with large-scale atomic arrays.

    Phys. Rev. A 110, 012610 (2024).

    28. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Fast nuclear-spin gates and electrons−nuclei entanglement of neutral atoms in weak magnetic fields.

    Frontiers of Physics 19, 22203 (2024).

    27. Yang Zhao and Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Fractional Chern insulator with Rydberg-dressed neutral atoms.

    Phys. Rev. A 108, 053107 (2023).

    26. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Coherence-preserving cooling of nuclear spin qubits in a weak magnetic field.

    Phys. Rev. A 107, 023102 (2023).

    25. Seokho Jeong, Xiao-Feng Shi, Minhyuk Kim, and Jaewook Ahn.

    Rydberg Wire Gates for Universal Quantum Computation.

    Frontiers in Physics 10, 875673 (2022).

    24. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Quantum logic and entanglement by neutral Rydberg atoms: methods and fidelity.

    Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 023002 (2022).

    23. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Fast atom-photon entangling gates with a superconducting coplanar waveguide.

    Phys. Rev. A 105, 042401 (2022).

    22. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Hyperentanglement of divalent neutral atoms by Rydberg blockade.

    Phys. Rev. A 104, 042422 (2021).

    21. Xiao-Feng Shi and Yan Lu.

    Quantum gates with weak van der Waals interactions of neutral Rydberg atoms.

    Phys. Rev. A 104, 012615 (2021).

    20. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Rydberg quantum computation with nuclear spins in two-electron neutral atoms.

    Frontiers of Physics 16, 52501 (2021).

    19. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Transition Slow-Down by Rydberg Interaction of Neutral Atoms and a Fast Controlled-NOT Quantum Gate.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 054058 (2020).

    18. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Single-site Rydberg addressing in 3D atomic arrays for quantum computing with neutral atoms.

    J. Phys. B 53, 054002 (2020).

    17. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Suppressing Motional Dephasing of Ground-Rydberg Transition for High-Fidelity Quantum Control with Neutral Atoms.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024008 (2020).

    16. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi, Phuong H. Nguyen, Fabio Sterpone, Freddie R. Salsbury, Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.

    Amyloid-β(29–42) Dimeric Conformations in Membranes Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2019, 123 (12), 2687-2696.

    15. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Fast, Accurate, and Realizable Two-Qubit Entangling Gates by Quantum Interference in Detuned Rabi Cycles of Rydberg Atoms.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 044035 (2019).

    14. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi, Freddie R. Salsbury Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.

    Influence of electric field on the amyloid-β(29-42) peptides embedded in a membrane bil[ant]ayer.

    J. Chem. Phys. 148, 045105 (2018).

    13. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Accurate Quantum Logic Gates by Spin Echo in Rydberg Atoms.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 034006 (2018).

    12. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Deutsch, Toffoli, and CNOT Gates via Rydberg Blockade of Neutral Atoms.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 051001 (2018).

    11. Xiao-Feng Shi and T. A. B. Kennedy.

    Simulating magnetic fields in Rydberg-dressed neutral atoms.

    Phys. Rev. A 7, 97 033414 (2018).

    10. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Universal Barenco quantum gates via a tunable noncollinear interaction.

    Phys. Rev. A 7, 97 032310 (2018).

    9. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi, Freddie R. Salsbury Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.

    Small static electric field strength promotes aggregation-prone structures in amyloid-β(29-42).

    J. Chem. Phys. 146, 145101 (2017).

    8. Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Rydberg Quantum Gates Free from Blockade Error.

    Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 064017 (2017).

    7. Xiao-Feng Shi and T. A. B. Kennedy.

    Annulled van der Waals interaction and fast Rydberg quantum gates.

    Phys. Rev. A 95, 043429 (2017).

    6. Xiao-Feng Shi, P. Svetlichnyy, and T. A. B. Kennedy.

    Spin–charge separation of dark-state polaritons in a Rydberg medium.

    J. Phys. B 49, 074005 (2016).

    5. Xiao-Feng Shi, F. Bariani, and T. A. B. Kennedy.

    Entanglement of neutral-atom chains by spin-exchange Rydberg interaction.

    Phys. Rev. A 90, 062327 (2014).

    4.Xiao-Feng Shi.

    Nuclear spin polarization in a single quantum dot pumped by two laser beams.

    Phys. Rev. B 87, 195318 (2013).

    3. Xiao-Feng Shi, Yan Chen, and J. Q. You.

    Exotic phase diagram of a topological quantum system.

    Phys. Rev. B 82, 174412 (2010).

    2. J. Q. You, Xiao-Feng Shi, Xuedong Hu, and Franco Nori.

    Quantum emulation of a spin system with topologically protected ground states using superconducting quantum circuits.

    Phys. Rev. B 81, 014505 (2010).

    1. Xiao-Feng Shi, Yue Yu, J. Q. You, and Franco Nori.

    Topological quantum phase transition in the extended Kitaev spin model.

    Phys. Rev. B. 79, 134431 (2009).






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