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08 2024.05


    International Workshop on Fundamentals and Frontiers in Complex System Dynamics

Supported by the Academic Leading Group for Theoretical Physics of the National Foundation of China, the 2024 International Workshop on Fundamentals and Frontiers of Complex System Dynamics will be held at the Research Center for Theoretical Physics of Hainan University (Haikou) from August 4 to August 22. The workshop will be published on August 4 and closed on August 22.

The workshop will consist of two parts: cutting-edge progress reports and thematic lectures, all in English. In the first three days (August 5-7), international and domestic experts will make cutting-edge progress reports, followed by systematic lectures. Course content covers the fundamentals of quantum and statistical mechanics of complex systems, non-adiabatic dynamics, dissipative dynamics, phase transitions and transport properties of material systems, and related applications of complex systems in energy, biology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

This workshop is mainly for international and domestic graduate students, postdocs and young scholars. There is no registration fee and meals are provided free of charge. Students will pay their own transportation and accommodation expenses. Students will be accommodated in the Academic Exchange Center Hotel of Hainan University at an agreed price of 350 yuan/room/day for a standard room for two persons. The conference may waive accommodation costs for some domestic and international participants who lack funds. If you apply for remission, please contact the Conference team in advance, and the Conference team will arrange the remission according to the overall situation. After the registration deadline, the conference committee will determine the final list based on the applicant's academic background, English level and other comprehensive factors. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the teaching, the total number of participants in the workshop was limited to about 80.

受国家基金委理论物理专款学术领导小组资助, 2024年复杂系统动力学基础与前沿国际讲习班,将于8月4日至8月22日在海南大学理论物理研究中心(海口)举办,其中,8月4日报到,8月22日闭幕。



组委会联系人(Organizing committee contact):



专家名单(List of experts):https://ictp.hainanu.edu.cn/xshy/zjmd.htm

报名链接(Registration link):https://jinshuju.net/f/JZXlb9

群二维码(扫码入群)(Scan QR code to join wechat group):

  • 地址:海南大学理论物理研究中心
  • 电话:0898-66279161
  • E-mail:lr@hainanu.edu.cn
  • 美工支持/中旗网络
  • 友情链接
